Hi! It's been awhile. But for great reasons! I've been working on lots of projects in the last few months. Here's a little about one of them. The Project Canby High has a team of about 25 dancers who participate in large dance competitions around the region. The dances are performed on a large gymnasium … Continue reading Collaboration: Canby HS Dance Team
Category: Youth
A summer of puppetry & dance
I had an amazing summer of work, which has lead right into some great projects this fall. I have been so occupied with doing, I haven't had much time to share.. so here are just a few quick highlights! The Creation Story: Lincoln Center Education & Carmen DeLavallade After taking part in a second summer … Continue reading A summer of puppetry & dance
Shots from the rehearsal room
I spent this last week in Pune, rehearsing with the cast at KCT. We had more fittings and used the masks in rehearsal to discover any potential difficulties in comfort and sightlines. In the second act, there is a large dance featuring all sorts of animals, in a variety of masks styles that cover different … Continue reading Shots from the rehearsal room
Making it work
As a child, I would often hear my father say: "There's more than one way to skin a cat." The most pressing thing on my mind at the time was: Why would one want to skin a cat at all? I still haven't answered that question. However, I do know there's more than one way to get something done. … Continue reading Making it work
The Maya Project
I'm traveling to India! I will be volunteering the next two months for the Maya Project, a joint project of two great organizations, Teach for India and Artists Striving to End Poverty. It's a wonderful project, aimed at the empowerment of children to creatively work for the change they would like to see. A significant part of … Continue reading The Maya Project