Curious to Learn More?
While many of my classes are through specific organizations (like Dell’Arte International) some are also open to the public. I am also available for commissioned workshops and private classes in topics like Mask making (Papier-mâché or Neoprene), Mask Performance, Commedia dell’arte, Puppeteering. For artists who teach, I also lead professional development workshops in Curriculum Design and Facilitation. Contact me for more information.
Upcoming Classes & Workshops
Mask & Nonverbal Storytelling
April 10, 12 –13 , 2025. The Actors Conservatory, Portland, OR.
Masks are wonderful tools that reveal more than they conceal. In this workshop with Dell’Arte’s Tony Fuemmeler, Head of Training Programs, you’ll explore the realm of theatrical mask with an eye toward its capacity to heighten and strengthen nonverbal storytelling (masked or not). The workshop will be physical and explore how to use the information from the mask alongside your physicality to generate and sustain legible characters and interactions. Together we will:
- Explore principles of mask performance
- Create specific physical character
- Tell a story without saying a thing
- Access your availability to play
- Connect to audiences more fully
- Generate material from the body
Be sure to wear clothes you are comfortable to move in.
Class times:
Thursday, 4/10: 6:00-8:30pm
Saturday, 4/12: 10:00am-3:30pm (30 min. lunch at 12:30)
Sunday, 4/13: 10:00am-3:30pm (30 min. lunch at 12:30)
Cost: $175
Ongoing Opportunities
Arts, Care & Connection
The Oregon Department of Education & Arts for Learning NW (Portland, OR)
Now you can access arts lessons for multiple grade levels that connect to students’ growth in social and emotional learning—for free! I loved working with this team to provide an introductory lesson in masks and performance. Read the press release. See my mask lesson for 4th Grade.
Recent Classes & Workshops
Mask Making Intensive
JULY 15–August 2 , 2024. Dell’Arte International, Blue Lake, CA.
This workshop is great for designers, actors, teachers, artisans, cosplayers and mask lovers. We will explore the elements that help bring a mask to life in three dimensions. How is a character mask different from a disguise mask? What materials can I use that are safe in my home? How does making a mask help me understand how to perform in it? [READ MORE]
Theatre Camp: Drawing & Shadow Puppetry
JUNE –JULY , 2022. Word for Word Online Camp, Santa Rosa, CA.
Adjunct Faculty: Mask Making and Commedia dell’arte
JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2022. Dell’Arte International, Blue Lake, CA.
Theatre Camp: Scenic Design & Shadow Puppetry
JUNE –JULY , 2021. Word for Word Online Camp, Santa Rosa, CA.
Theatre Camp: Drawing and Toy Theatre Puppetry
JUNE –JULY , 2020. Word for Word Online Camp, Santa Rosa, CA.
Online Mask Making
MAY 11-15, 2020. MAKER IN PLACE: Creating Wearable Masks with Everyday Items via Zoom
Workshops for Teaching Artists
FEBRUARY 2020: Deepening Inquiry (A Teaching Artist Studio Workshop), Portland Art Museum, Portland, OR.
Guest Instructor: Mask Making and Commedia dell’arte
JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020. Dell’Arte International, Blue Lake, CA.
Theatre Camp: Mask Making
JUNE–JULY 2019. Word for Word Camp, Santa Rosa, CA.
Commedia dell’arte Performance, Summer Theatre Intensive
JUNE 2–14, 2019. Stephens College, Columbia, MO.
In just two weeks, students are introduced to some of the fundamental components of the Italian commedia dell’arte—masks, archetypal characters, improvisation, and physical characterization—and then create a performance translating those ideas into contemporary times.
Mask Making Lecture & Demonstration
MAY 10, 2019. Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, OR.
Intro to Commedia dell’arte
MARCH 3 & 10, 2019. Oregon Children’s Theatre, Portland, OR.
Students were introduced to the primary characters and their masks.
Guest Instructor: Mask Making and Commedia dell’arte
JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2019. Dell’Arte International, Blue Lake, CA.
Students were introduced to basic concepts for conceiving and creating a theatrical half-mask, as well as procedures for sculpting in clay, casting in papier-mâché, and painting with acrylics. The masks were tested through explorative performance before final details were finished.
Theatre Camp: Animal Masks
JUNE 25–JULY 03, 2018. Word for Word Camp, Santa Rosa, CA.
Mask Making Booth
JUNE 2018. Wilsonville Festival of the Arts, Wilsonville, OR.
Come down to Town Center Park in Wilsonville and make a mask at the Get Crafty! station. After you can also be a part of Mask-Pa-rades, led by Wilsonville High Schoolers donning beautiful giant masks from art class.
Commedia dell’arte Performance, Summer Theatre Intensive
May 2018. Stephens College, Columbia, MO.
In just two weeks, students are introduced to some of the fundamental components of the Italian commedia dell’arte—masks, archetypal characters, improvisation, and physical characterization—and then create a performance translating those ideas into contemporary times.
Intro to Puppetry
February 2018. Multnomah Arts Center, Portland, OR.
Forget what you think you know about puppetry, and explore the fundamental aspects of bringing an inanimate character to life! This class will build both acting skills and manipulation principles to keep a non-human actor alive on stage. We will work with a variety of puppet styles–from abstract to found object to character–in simple scenes to build puppeteering skills. This class is for anyone who has ever been inspired by the magic of theatre.
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