My first large exhibition!
About a year ago, I was approached to make an exhibit of my work… and it’s happening! Spanning the last 19 years of making masks, the exhibit Reveal / Conceal: The Transformative Masks of Tony Fuemmeler runs November 5 2019–January 3, 2020 at the Parrish Gallery, Chehalem Cultural Center. Stay tuned for information about the opening reception.

(mask) x (62) = ?
As I was considering the invitation I thought, this is the perfect time to do a project I have been dreaming about for years: a series of mask collaborations with other artists on a compelling theme…and it’s happening!
Sixty-two artists from around the world will be participating!
The installation is called A Universal Feeling, and explores how something we all share can manifest very differently in our individual lives. I am so excited to be working on this project, and with so many (!!) amazing collaborators.
Learn more about the collaboration here.
It is nearly impossible to do without the support of individuals and institutions alike. I’m proud to announce that I have been awarded a Project Grant from the Yamhill County Cultural Coalition for the show at the Chehalem Cultural Center, and ALSO a project grant from Regional Arts & Culture Council to extend the showing of the installation to Portland in 2020.

…but you promised puppets.
And I deliver!
I coached the puppets for world premiere of WOLF PLAY by Hansol Jung at Artists Repertory Theatre. The show just opened, so you have plenty of time to catch this amazing show.
A break from tech rehearsals Chris Larkin puppeteering in rehearsal
What made it extra special is using the puppet made by Matt Acheson, who I met nearly 20 years ago at the start of my career! This puppet is great—not only is it extremely well-built and balanced, but also the design allows the audience so much room to imagine. One audience member mentioned to me that they “…never expected to be so attached and invested to a puppet!” That feels like a job well done to me. 🙂
Tickets available here.

Post script: Thanks also to the Oregon Community Foundation and Oregon Cultural Trust, who support this installation via the YCCC!